+46(0)8-718 80 00
Nacka is an attractive district with many famous areas such as Boo, Sicklaön,
+46 8 519 540 00
The Swedish Museum of Natural History or Naturhistoriska riksmuseet in Swedish is on
Kungsträdgården or The Kings Garden is a beautiful garden with pink cheery flow
Tantolunden is a large park near Zinkensdamm and Hornstull, Mariatorget subways, and
Birka is a real town built during viking times, the was a big town and a famous market pla
Humlegården is one of the key park in Östermalm district. It is a lash green par
 Brunnsviken is a park area around  Brunnsviken lake, it is a part of National City
+46(0)8-508 301 58
Woodland Cemetery in Swedish “Skogskyrkogården†is Sweden most important arch
Skinnarviksberget is a natural view point of Stockholm City on a height hill. It is best n
Observatorielunden green oasis in Vasastaden, located beside Stadsbiblioteket (Stockholm C
The Butterfly House keeps a huge butterfly house covers over 3000 square meter in a tropic
Haga Ocean consists largest aquariums in the Scandinavian; many type of sharks are kept in